Our Staff

Rev. Cindy Mood, LCSW-S

New Hope’s Interim Minister has lived in Texas for over 13 years, moving to the Lone Star state for graduate school after receiving her Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Religion and Psychology from Hastings College in Hastings, Nebraska. She grew up in Kansas where her parents did foster care; she was a sister to more than 60 siblings over the course of 17 years. Her family experience proved to her that God loves everyone. Nothing makes her more enthusiastic than sharing how we can better reflect God’s love as the Body of Christ. 

She graduated from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary with her Masters of Divinity degree and The University of Texas at Austin’s School of Social Work with her Master of Science of Social Work in 2015. Cindy is a licensed clinical Social Worker and a Board-Approved Supervisor. 

Cindy is married to Charlie and is the proud mother of two young children, one with a rare condition called Arthrogryposis. 

Jo Ann Franklin

JoAnn was born in St. Louis, Missouri and moved to Ft. Lauderdale during her Sophomore year in High School. She moved to Atlanta, GA after her daughter was born; in subsequent moves, JoAnn lived in Dallas, Denver, San Francisco, eventually settling in Houston, TX. She has been the Office Manager for New Hope for the past 24 years, coming to this job after retiring from Gulf Oil Chemicals Company as a Marketing Specialist. JoAnn is a trained Stephen Minister – for the past 15 years she has been caring for people who are grieving.  

Please give Jo Ann a call at (281) 492-8520 or email office@newhopepckaty.org if you have any questions about New Hope.

Linda Owens

Linda Owens was born in California but moved with her family to Texas in 1992, where she became a member at New Hope. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Cultures with a minor in English and a Standard Elementary Teaching Credential from the University of California at Irvine, and an MBA from Holy Names University in Oakland, California. She is a lay preacher, Stephen Ministry Leader, sings soprano in the chancel choir, serves as Clerk to Session and as scribe for the Presbyterian Women.

Tim Holder

Tim Holder is the Director of Music Ministry. He was a choir director, pianist, organist and vocalist at several churches in New Orleans and the Houston area before coming to New Hope. Tim brings a wealth of talent and experience in using music as a key ministry to worship the Lord.